Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Were Back!

Well finally, we may be seeing the end of the tunnel. I am finally able to drive again, so that is a BIG help since Mom is still going back and forth to doctors. I think we may be done with the heart doctors and are now going to be going back to the thyroid doctors.
Here is the news from the barn, we are making spindles again!!! I should have several to list this weekend. Dale has said he has several rough cut in all 3 sizes and various woods, so there should be a variety to choose from....check back this weekend sometime.
We are being asked about our inkle loom shuttles, so I will be listing some of the shuttles separate from the inkle looms. For now they will all be out out of the Baltic Birch, I am hoping to persuade him and Josh to make some out of other woods. Everyone seem to like the sharp edges our shuttles have as they pack the warp much tighter then the blunt ended shuttles. I also plan on having them make some pick up sticks and mini shuttles to be used for color changes.
As I said hopefully things are changing and we can get back to normal again and have more spindles and other items to list. I have cancelled All of our shows for this year in hopes of eventually getting caught up.
Thank You, for all your patience and support during these trying times............


  1. Welcome back! and it's good to read that things are becoming more manageable! Take care of yourselves!

  2. I'm glad life is getting better. I love my spindles and have several friends who would like their own.
